MAFI News – March

The new MAFI 3611 and MAFI 3612
doubles the equipment with co-location

To be able to better use existing space on a vertical parent pole or a tower leg,
MAFI has further developed its products MAFI 3611/MAFi 3614 and MAFI 3612/Mafi 3615.

With new hole patterns the equipment can now be mounted in three angles, 45°, 60° or 90° (straight). In the earlier version the equipment could only be mounted in a 90° angle.
This solution makes it possible to mount more equipment in a limited space and is something MAFI´s customers have requested in several markets.
The product can carry a tube with up to 250 kg/551 lb of equipment mounted.
This solution can be useful when radio and antenna equipment is to be preassembled off-site to a tube and then lifted and mounted to a tower.
The hole pattern on front clamp is designed to allow oblique installation on angular tower legs. The bracket arms can be fixed at angles 45°, or 60° or 90°, i.e., to the left or right or straight, of the parent leg.
Offset poles that can be installed on brackets 3611, 3612, 3614 and 3615 can range from Ø 60–114 mm /2.4–4.5 inches.
Maximum c/c offset for 3612/3615 is 250 mm/9.8 inches. Maximum c/c offset for 3611/3614 is 350 mm/13.8 inches.

Possible to mount in three different positions, 45°, 90° and 60°.

The hole pattern on front clamp is designed to allow
oblique installation on angular tower legs

MAFI´s new 5G brackets are a global success

The 5G antenna brackets that MAFI launched in October last year immediately became a global success.
”We are pleased to have met the expectations of our customers”, says Jan Fridén,
Manager of MAFI´s business unit MIS (MAFI Integrated Solutions).

All around the world 5G-networks are being rolled out at an increasing pace. Thus, the need for solutions to mount the new equipment is in high demand.
”This solution is tailor-made for 5G installations,” Jan continues. ”And to be able to meet most needs, there are three sizes of the new 5G antenna-brackets, Light, Medium and Heavy. Where the heavy version can carry up to 120 kilos or 264 pounds.”

Each size also comes in two different alternatives, with or without vertical tilt, and they can all be tilted horizontally.
With this range of brackets, it´s easy to find the most suitable size and functionality for the intended product and installation scenario.
”We are thrilled with this new product range which we have designed and constructed together with one of our customers,” Jan says. ”And the weight of the brackets is quite low compared to other brackets on the market. All these brackets can also be utilised for passive antennas.”

Jonas Sahlander – MAFI´s new CMO

”One of my tasks will be to put MAFI´s brand on the map, globally and increase the customer experience ”. Since the beginning of February, Jonas Sahlander is the new Chief Marketing Officer at the Swedish company.

Jonas has been working with marketing for 20 years. The last 13 of these as owner and CEO of his marketing agency, mainly with well-known customers in the region.
”Actually, I´ve had MAFI as a customer for a long time, so I am well aware of its core business and know most of the staff.”
One of the things Jonas will focus on, to begin with, is to gain knowledge of both the global telecom market and even more so on the markets where MAFI has a presence.
”It´s imperative that MAFI, growing at a fast pace at the moment, communicates the same message, and the same values, regardless of where we do business or build our presence.”

Another important task for Jonas will be to enhance MAFI´s presence in social media, like Facebook and Linkedin, to mention two.
”And finally I will be in charge of MAFI´s graphic profile, our website, producing presentations, and see to that sales always have relevant and updated marketing materials.”

So, why did Jonas take the step over to MAFI?

˝MAFI is about to embark on an incredibly exciting voyage, with a five-year plan that is extremely stimulating,” he answers. ”I also look forward to being working with a company on a global level.”
Jonas sees himself as a curious person, eager to learn, creative, as a listener and with the ability to see the big picture.
”Hopefully I will bring extensive knowledge about marketing to the table” he ends.

Jonas Sahlander, CMO at MAFI.

It´s imperative that MAFI communicates
the same message and values everywhere.

MAFI´s challenges discussed
with the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

In mid-February, MAFI had visitors from the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise with the Regional Manager of Dalarna Theresa Bergkvist and CEO Jan-Olof Jacke accompanied by Lars Johansson från Teknikföretagen.

Jan-Olov Jacke took over as CEO of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) in the autumn of 2018. In his role as CEO, he visits companies throughout Sweden, and the 13fh of February it was MAFI´s privilege to have them as guests.

In the intimate round-table meeting MAFI was represented by four members of the MAFI management team: Andreas Pietiläinen CFO, Samuel Enqvist, Business Unit Manager MSS, Per Tägtström R&D Manager and Jonas Sahlander, CMO.
”The main discussion was MAFI´s most significant challenges to be able to export and expand according to the company’s five-year plan”, says Jonas. ”Sweden’s role in the global work regarding sustainability was also on the agenda.”
Another topic was the infrastructure.
”Since MAFI´s head office in Mora is almost a 4-hour drive from Stockholm´s airport Arlanda, it´s imperative that Mora has good flight connections, Samuel pointed out.”

Also, the challenges in attracting competent and knowledgeable staff to a small town like Mora, far from Swedens main cities, were addressed.
”The visiting group was impressed by MAFI’s active work on reducing its global footprint,” says Samuel. ”We hope to meet in this constellation again shortly.”

Jan-Olov Jacke, CEO of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, visited MAFI to discuss its challenges.

Samuel Enqvist, Per Tägtström, and Andreas Pietiläinen from MAFI, with visiting Jan-Olof Jacke.

MAFI awarded for its exports achievement

In January MAFI was awarded ”The Export Company of the Year” by Dalarna Business, a regional company association.
”We are incredibly proud and happy to receive this award,” says Samuel Enqvist, Manager Business Unit MSS at MAFI.

MAFI was in tough competition with both larger and older companies.
”The award confirms to us that our strategy to grow within the telecom segment is both important and sustainable,”
Samuel continues. ”And it´s quite fantastic that we, with our roots in Mora, has developed a global business, with
sales all over the world, and employees in Great Britain, Kenya, India and the USA.”

From 2017 to 2018 MAFI´s sales grew an astonishing 60 per cent, and the prognosis is yet another remarkable growth
during this year. Just some years ago the company exported to a handful of countries, whilst today its products are
shipped to around 80 nations.

So, how has MAFI managed to accomplish this success?
CEO Pierre Bengtsson answers:
”We have a very strong focus on product development, often in close collaboration with our customers. Actually being
present on our key markets, with MAFI people, and having face to face meetings is also of the utmost importance.
And, the most important reason for our success is, of course, MAFI´s excellent staff!”