MAFI News – August

The Roof Butler will make the
lives of site designers easier

MAFI’s new solution, the Roof Butler, or more formally MAFI 4120,
is ready to be ordered and will begin to be shipped out from early September.

The Roof Butler is a freestanding solution pole for wind exposed equipment such as RRU’s, filters and switch-boxes placed in areas of low risk. It’s been in the making for a while, as a complement to MAFI’s 4112.
”We realised that the market demanded an altarnative that is even lighter and easier to assemble on site than MAFI 4112,” says Samuel Enqvist, Cheif Business Office for MAFI Standard Solutions, MSS.
”We have managed to construct a solution that is exceptionally light and flexible compared to comparable solutions. We have achieved this due to our engineers’ in-depth knowledge on how to shape thin and pre-galvanised high-strength steel into optimal shapes.”

The Roof Butler will be shipped to sites in small boxes with a total weight of less 25 kilos (55 lb). This allows it to be carried and mounted by one technician. Still, its load capacity is almost 250 kilos (529 lb).
”Since we also have put much effort into giving the Roof Butler a simple but efficient design it is quickly assembled” Samuel continues.
”So in short using MAFI´s Roof Butler will save our customers both time and money.”
One of the designers developing the Roof Butler was Daniel Boberg.
”We have thoroughly designed every component in detail so that the final product would meet both our demands of high standards and life expectancy” he says. ”For instance, we replaced its original plastic feet to steel since we don´t have enough data on how plastic ages over a long time.”
A lot of effort and adjusting also went into simulations and testing how to minimise the risk of it from tipping over.
”We managed this with using a concrete ballast that´s attached under the pole.”

As all MAFI´s freestanding solutions, the Roof Butler is horizontally adjustable, so it always stands vertically, even the roof it stands on is inclining. It also has a high overturning resisting moment, ” Daniel says. ”This way, it has a high performance in relation to its size and weight.”
Daniel and his colleagues are happy with what they have achieved.
”I believe we have found a solution that will be very handy for lots of needs and that really works. Its a solution we are proud of putting MAFI´s brand on.”

Basic facts of the MAFI RoofButler
• Freestanding • Easy to transport and to mount • Total weight, including equipment, about 250 kg.
Download the datasheet for the Roof Butler, MAFI 4120.
Click here: Roof Butler / MAFI 4120 pdf

The Roof Butler was awarded ”Best Design” at the Ericsson Strategic Supplier Hackathon in Dallas, USA, earlier this year.

Nigeria – a fast growing market

MAFI’s freestanding solutions are gaining high interest in Nigeria, as MAFI is exploring
its possibilities to enter this enormous market. Ponnenkandy Purushothaman is MAFI’s
Sales Manager since March: ”And just around the corner, I am convinced that MAFI’s
solutions for 5G also will be highly attractive!”

Nigeria, with about 200 million inhabitants, offers tremendous potential for the telecom sector.
Since March, MAFI is intensely active in getting a foothold into this booming market with the aid of Ponnenkandy Purushothaman, or “PP” in short, MAFI’s appointed Sales Manager in the West-African country.

PP has a solid background with several start-ups with telecom companies in Nigeria. Originally from the Indian Army and also with assignments within the United Nations in Africa. He worked in ACME Telepower Ltd, India for a couple of years where he spent much time developing telecom sites to include construction, deployment and managed services. He was then posted to Nigeria by end 2008 to lead a newly acquired ex Norwegian Telecom Infrastructure company.
After having leading roles in some other telecom company start-ups in Nigeria, PP was about to head back to India early this year after finishing a six months consultancy assignment for a Danish Solar Solution Company.
”But then, out of the blue, I got an offer from MAFI in Sweden to help them set up their business in Nigeria,” PP says.

And he accepted, for several reasons.
”After talking long with Enqvist, I saw that some of MAFI’s products should have tremendous potential here,” he says.” Besides offering products of the highest quality, they are innovative and cleverly put together. I think that for instance MAFI’s freestanding solutions are precisely what many telecom operators here would willingly embrace for their ongoing network expansion efforts.”

When it comes to MAFI’s brackets, he thinks they will need a longer time to get accepted. These items are mostly fabricated locally, but without any safety regulations and often somewhat improvised. Since there have been accidents due to poor quality. PP believes that telecom providers and regulatory authorities will soon be more focussed on the need for stringent quality checks even in these products which will open possibilities for MAFI.
”There’s also a mindset that if it is from Europe, then it must be expensive.” PP continues. ”But I can show customers that due to how efficiently MAFI uses materials, combined with their products high standards, the cost difference is negligible.”

The need for secure, high-quality solutions will be even more evident when the roll-out of 5G will begin in Nigeria.
”There are already 5G trials going on in Nigeria´s booming commercial city, Lagos. Next year we are expecting a breakthrough for this new technology. I am convinced that when the roll-out starts, telecom operators will demand much higher quality and safety standards than so far and this will offer incredible potential for MAFI´s solutions.”
Finally, PP accepted MAFI´s offer because he has a broad experience with start-ups in this sector of business and he believes he can add value. ”And I also knew MAFI will be an exciting company to work for!”
Last months PP was busy getting in touch with major telecom operators and tower companies.” I am building solid relationships with potential customers, having regular meetings with them, and I´ve given them opportunities to have a serious look into our freestanding solutions. The responses so far have been quite encouraging.”

Next step is to set up a site, a ”show-room”, on a rooftop that consists of MAFI´s solutions, chiefly the Free Stander Solutions. All operators, tower companies and contractors will be invited to visit study and evaluate what MAFI offers.
”This will give MAFI a definite edge for future roll-outs,” PP says.
In the long term, PP foresees a full-fledged office and a warehouse coming up in Lagos.
”And so far, I am a one-man-show,” he says with a smile, ”but as soon as the business starts to grow, we will hire more people locally.”

”When the 5G roll-out starts, telecom operators will
demand higher quality and safety standards, and this
will offer incredible potential for MAFI´s solutions.”

Lagos is a major financial centre in Nigeria, Africa. This megacity – with about 8 million inhabitants – has the fourth-highest GDP in Africa and houses one of the largest and busiest seaports on the continent.

Ponnenkandy Purushothaman, or ”PP” for short, is MAFI’s Sales Manager
in Nigeria since March.

Sven Brückmann – new designer at MAFI

Sven Brückmann began working at MAFI in mid-June. He has been interested in technology all his life, although his way to attaining his masters in technical engineering has been a bit meandering.

Sven is working as a designer with construction, research and development at MAFI´s HQ in Mora, Sweden. He works in projects both within MIS: MAFI Integrated Solutions and MSS: MAFI Standard Solutions.
”This includes the whole process from first ideas to prototypes, testing, calculate wind resistance until test installations,” Sven explains. ”And I am involved both with developing our existing solutions and researching new ones.”

For Sven, the challenge lies in improving and optimising a solution as far as it´s possible.
”It´s exciting finding out how to lower the weight of a product as much as possible without losing any of the properties we are looking for. Also the economic aspects are always one of our priorities since we want our solutions to be cost-efficient to produce. Last but not least, solutions that need mounting must be very easily put together by the end-users at the actual telecom-site.”
Sven interest in technology led him to work as a sound engineer in his late teens.

Some years later he changed his direction into becoming and real estate agent. However, in the long run his love for technology got the upper hand and he began to study mechanical engineering at Bochum´s University of applied science, from where he finished with a masters degree in 2014.

Sven is originally from Germany but came to Sweden almost three years ago. He lives in Orsa, about 20 kilometres north of Mora.
”I prefer Sweden to Germany because there are lesser people here, and since I cherish this country´s nature. In my free time I like canoeing, biking and skiing in the winter. I´m also fond of acro yoga and dancing everything from waltz to rumba.

Sven Brückmann is new designer at MAFI.
He is working with construction, research
and development at the HQ in Mora, Sweden.

Lina – new as Financial Manager

”I like working with finances because it underpins all parts of a company.”
Lina Nyström has always liked maths. She also loves accounting, making reports and analysis and as MAFI´s new Financial Manager, she will have to do plenty of it all!

Lina is from Älvdalen, about 30 a minute drive north of MAFI´s HQ in Mora, and she had her Bachelors degree in economics at Örebro University. Before MAFI she´s been working as an accountant consultant and six years as CFO in Älvdalen.

Lina will also be responsible for MAFI´s economical follow-ups, financial statements and some controller tasks.
”What I also appreciate in working with economics is the variety and width of what you do. One day is never like the other.”
She also emphasises that the overall goal is to make MAFI´s customers satisfied.
”The aim is to create a positive picture of who we are and what we do, so they are happy with our solutions and services,” she says.

After six years as CFO she was looking for new challenges and she was appealed by MAFI´s international activities. Spending time with her family, working out and travelling are things Lina like to do when she´s not working.

”I´m quite passionate about health and diet,” she reveals. ”And when it comes to working out I like to a variety of things, biking, swimming, running and skiing in the winter.”

Lina Nyström – new Financial Manager at MAFI –
loves accounting, making reports and analysis.

New warehouse for more efficient logistics

MAFI is building a new warehouse at its headquarters in Mora, Sweden.

”The volumes of goods we are handling is increasing and for us to be able to have an efficient logistic flow we need more space says Andreas Pietiläinen, CFO at MAFI.

With the new warehouse, it will be easier to handle incoming goods and to make quality controls. The warehouse will be 800 square metres (8.611 square feet) and will be ready to use in October.


Anders is eager to make a difference

”I´m really eager to make a difference at MAFI and be part of its journey. I enjoy working with customers and to make them satisfied.”
Anders Smitz is relatively new at MAFI, working with customer support since early May, and he has lots of experience from similar assignments.

If you, who are reading this is a customer of MAFI´s, you probably have been or will be in touch with Anders. Working back-office, he´s doing a broad variety of tasks like making tenders, creating orders and booking shipments.
”Earlier I´ve been working at Scanmast and Scheider Electric Wibe for a total of about 18 years,” he says. ”The assignments were similar but I also worked with project support and in various business systems.”

Seeing that he makes a difference is one of the things Anders enjoys at work.
”What really makes me happy is when I´ve made a customer satisfied,” he continues. ”A also enjoy building a network of customers, learning to know their needs and what I can do to help. It´s also very satisfying to be a part of MAFI´s international environment, having customers all over the world.”
The most common reason customers get in touch with Anders recently is to know when their shipment will arrive.
”I can help them with finding that answer,” Anders says, ”although it might take a little while sometimes since I sometimes need to check with our suppliers or logistics partners.”

Off work, Anders likes to ride his Honda Firestorm VTR 1000. Both for shorter rides around Dalarna, but also for longer trips. He is also keen on keeping in shape, biking, running and working out in the gym.
”Lately I´ve been focusing on biking,” Anders reveals. ”I´ve done a local race twice on mountain-bike, it´s 95 kilometres* and last time I did it in 4.05 hours, which I am quite proud of!”

*95 kilometres is 59 miles.



Anders Smitz is working with customer
support since early May.

Updated ISO certifications

MAFI has was certified according to ISO 45 001 in June.

ISO 45 001 is an International Standard that specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system, with guidance for its use, to enable an organisation to improve its OH&S performance in preventing injury and ill-health proactively.
”We´ve been certified within this field for many years,” says Andreas Pietiläinen, CFO at MAFI. ”But since there is a new ISO-standard we wanted to certify ourselves accordingly.”

During the audit in June, MAFI was also audited according to ISO 9001 and 14 001.
ISO 9001 is defined as a set of international standards on quality management and quality assurance developed to help companies effectively document the quality system elements needed to maintain an efficient quality system.
And ISO 14 001 specify requirements for establishing an environmental management policy, determining environmental impacts of products or services, planning environmental objectives, implementing programs to meet goals, and conducting corrective action and management review.