Rooftop platform

MAFI is a company that delivers steel structure products, like the rooftop platform, of high quality all over the world. Since we began in 1992, we have we have gained a lot of experience in our field. This has made us strong on the telecom market, and made us a company you can trust and count on. Our customers are both small and large companies, so don’t hesitate to contact us any time! Our hard work on intelligent solutions and fast deliveries has certainly paid off as we are now the market leader in Scandinavia.

The products we provide are very much our own, as we create and develop them, as well as manufacture and deliver them. Every component in the rooftop platform is optimised, and prototypes are tested and refined. For quality’s sake we leave nothing to chance.

Rooftop platforms and the world around it

When we design a new rooftop platform, we make sure that we follow our guidelines. We want a kit to be easy to assemble, and have clear instructions. For efficient storage and transport they are packed as small as possible. And for easy handling we want to make the product as light as possible.

Since 2003, MAFI has been working according to the Code of Conduct that was established in 2002 by leading global companies. We do this because we find it important to ensure that basic human rights are met. This includes safe working standards and ethical standards. As a leading company that works on the global market, we see it as our responsibility to keep up these standards.

You might also think it’s important to get your rooftop platform from a company that cares about the environment. We work to reduce negative impact on the environment by recycling an using eco-labelled materials. In addition, we adapt our working methods and also consider the environment when shipping our products. Read more about us and how we work on

Rooftop platform

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