Offset bracket

If you need an offset bracket for your telecom equipment, you have found the right people for the cause! At MAFI we always want to become better at our job, and we have already come a long way. Having moved to a new modern location and investing in new equipment and excellent people, we keep on growing. Now that we have everything we need to make the best offset bracket under the same roof, things have become more efficient. We have for example been able to dramatically shorten lead times for development of our products. You can certainly trust us to be on time every time!

Here at MAFI we are working according to the Code of Conduct. It was established in 2002 by leading global companies, and we joined in 2003. We do this because we find it important to ensure that basic human rights are met. This includes safe working standards, ethical standards and environmental management.

As we want to keep the world we live in, we want to take care of it in any way we can. Among other methods we recycle and use eco-labelled products. You can read more about MAFI and our working methods when making the offset bracket at

An offset bracket that is thought through

To ensure the quality of our products, we have made ourselves a quality policy that we make sure to follow. Number one on our list is to get everything right the first time! Through hard work we have developed a very high degree of reliability. We also like to deal with complaints without any unnecessary delay. You can trust us to live up to government requirements both when it comes to our products and how our work is done.

We have collected much experience since we first began in 1992. Our hard work on intelligent solutions and fast deliveries has paid off, and we can proudly say that we now play a very important role on the telecom market, being leading in Scandinavia. You are very welcome to contact us about your offset bracket needs!

Offset bracket

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