MAFI News – May

When doing an upgrade or a rip’n’replace

Remember that all MAFI single and double offset brackets have in-built modularity!
If the upgrade means mounting a heavier antenna, you can add a bracket to increase the load capacity with 50%.
Add a second bracket to increase the load capacity with 100%.

Please watch our video on YouTube, by clicking HERE!

Ajdoan Muliqi – New Sales Manager in the Americas

MAFI has recently hired Ajdoan Muliqi as Sales Manager Americas.
His tasks are to find new customers in the Americas and to increase
the market’s understanding of MAFI and its world-leading products.

Before joining MAFI, Ajdoan worked within the municipality of Mora.
”One of my positions was to coordinate and help newcomers to find jobs and make an entry into the Swedish society,” he says.
When he got the opportunity to work for MAFI, he didn’t hesitate.
”No, since it is a serious company with a strong brand. It also cares about its employees, and it is always moving forward.”
Now he is getting ready to move from Mora to Dallas, Texas, with his family.

”Yes, we are moving in the next couple of months. My wife is born and raised in Dallas, and she can’t wait to come back. Also, our kids are looking forward to moving there,” Ajdoan continues.
Now, he is looking forward to starting working.
”I was in Dallas at the end of December of 2019,” he says. ”I got to spend time with the team, which was very helpful and useful. They made me feel like one of them straight away.”
The new position involves some business traveling, which is something new to Ajdoan.
”But after talking to my family, and Tony in Dallas, we have found a balance with traveling as well.
Ajdoan is born in Kosovo, and he grew up in Mora, Sweden.
”And I am a dad of three beautiful children,” he says with a big smile. ”And I’m a big fan of sports.”

Nigel Topp goes to MAFI´s R&D

Nigel Topp, a long time co-worker at MAFI, has recently joined forces with the our R&D department.

Nigel, you have been working with MAFI for quite some time now.

”Yes, roughly since the stone age, when steel brackets were a real innovation. I started helping Pierre Bengtsson to develop the market in the UK and other EU countries in 2001.”

And now you are heading into the R&D department?

Yes, it just keeps getting better! I love that no matter how elegant and advanced our products get, there is always room for new ideas.”

What will be your main tasks?

”I will be the link between R&D and the outside world, supporting our global sales force with technical backup. I will also be heavily involved in our new MAFI Academy project, developing educational materials and tools for seminars and webinars.

What did you do before telecom?

”I’m a Civil and Structural Engineer, and my first job was as a site engineer at St Fergus Gas Terminal in Aberdeen, followed by bridge building, and building design in South Africa. I returned to the UK and continued designing buildings.”

And, when did you start working with telecom?

”I joined Mercury One-2-One in 1991 as a Lead Engineer, helping to “write the book” on how to design telecom sites. I moved to Switzerland as a National Design and Construction Manager in 1998 when Orange won a license to roll out a 2G network.”

Has your role changed during these years?

”It has! I’ve never really confined myself to a single role. In the early days, there were only about half a dozen of us, and we all multi-tasked. As well as doing technical sales, I have been an educator, product creator, software creator, marketer, design guru, proofreader, and coffee maker.”

And, what more would you like to share?

”Well, I´m originally from Aberdeen in Scotland and I’m married to Helen. We have three grown-up children. When the Orange rollout finished in Switzerland they weren’t yet grown up, but they had settled into life in Switzerland so well that we decided to stay.”

The symbol of Sweden origins from Dalarna

The Dala horse has become something of a symbol of Sweden. You can find it in many Swedish homes, and it’s also almost a must to buy for many tourists visiting Sweden.
And the origin is, well, Dalarna!

We humans have, at all times, depicted the horse. Our ancestors carved pictures of their faithful friend in the caves, and so it continued.
In the 18th century, forest workers in the villages around Mora began to carve horses to their children in their log cabins in the evenings, in the long hours after work. There, the precursor was born to the Dala horse of our time.

Eventually, during the 1830-is, the horses received floral designs, which we today call ”kurbits”. The horses became very popular and were sold from several villages around Mora and accompanied travelers around the country.
Since then, electrically powered machines have replaced some of the manual labor,

but it is also the only thing that has changed. The horses are still carved by quick fingers and get their characteristic painting by skilled hands.

If you visit Nusnäs, a village about a 15-minute drive south of Mora, you will find a living tradition where they have workshops and a wide variety of Dala horses and purchase one (or two) as a souvenir from Sweden.

Photo by Nils Olsson Dalahäst

MAFI adapted to the Covid-19 situation on day one!

MAFI has from day one of the Covid-19 outbreak thoroughly followed and adapted to local guidelines/legislation to ensure the health and safety on all our employees, customers and suppliers. Being a global company acting on local markets, MAFI remains able to deliver and fulfil all our customer orders and requests thanks to our strategy of keeping manufacturing close to our focus markets. During these circumstances MAFI employees avoid travelling and work based from home if anyone suspect they have the slightest cold, all to prevent spreading of eventual Covid-19. All meetings are conducted by conference calls, Skype or similar, to ensure public safety.

We thank you for your understanding