Radio support

In the field of radio support, MAFI is there to help you out. Our products are guaranteed to hold the highest possible quality, which might help you to get ahead of your competitors.

To help, we have made ourselves a quality policy that we make sure to follow. Number one on our list is to get everything right the first time! Through hard work we have developed a very high degree of reliability. We also like to deal with complaints without any unnecessary delay. You can trust us to live up to government requirements both when it comes to our products and how our work is done.

MAFI is a company that delivers steel structure products, such as radio support, to different sites all over the world. We feel safe knowing that our products are very much our own, as we create and develop them, as well as manufacture and deliver them. Every component for the radio support is optimised and the prototypes are tested and refined. We leave nothing to chance!

Since we started in 1992, we have accumulated a lot of experience in our field. Our hard work on intelligent solutions and fast deliveries has paid off, and we can proudly say that we now play a very important role on the telecom market, being leading in Scandinavia. You are welcome to contact us about your radio support needs!

A radio support from a conscientious company

Here at MAFI we are working according to the Code of Conduct that was established in 2002 by leading global companies. We do this because we find it important to ensure that basic human rights are met. This includes safe working standards, ethical standards and environmental management.

We like the world we live in, and so want to take care of it in any way we can. Among other methods we recycle and use eco-labelled materials. You can read more about MAFI and our working methods when making your radio support at

Radio support

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